14 (or 15) Sajdah Tilaawat

A very long hiatus & I’m unable to have a ‘pretty’ table added.

However, this is what I’ve wanted to do for a while no, and I have to thank https://thewahyproject.com/2012/04/28/list-of-prostration-places-in-the-quran/ for their great table showing the places in Qur’an Majeed where we do the sajdah tilaawat (prostration after recitation/reading/hearing particular verses of Qur’an Majeed).

Imam Shaafi is the only one to suggest that *Surah Hajj Verse 77 is a place of prostration

confidence in du’a

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s says to ask Allah s.w.t. even if it is for a broken shoelace. How many times have we not asked Allah s.w.t. simply because we feel that it is too trivial to bother Him about. Submission. Doesn’t that mean we take everything to Him? In another hadith we are told that Allah s.w.t. is as we see Him. Are we limiting Him because of our own limitations? What do we think will or could happen if we step outside of the box of mundane and ask Allah s.w.t for something big for ourselves? May Allah s.w.t. guide us to know Him and appreciate His Magnificence and Power. He says there is no

May He unite you in goodness

With a week of festivities celebrating the nikah of one of my daughter’s closest friends, it is a time to remind ourselves of the sunnah of Rasool saws in congratulating the couple. Our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s called for Allah’s blessings twice and he asked Allah swt to unite the couple in goodness. Can there ever be anything but good in good?

May Allah swt bless and guide the couple and make it easy for them to unite in goodness. Good thoughts good intentions good actions.

The Elite Sa’eem – the degrees of fasting

In Barbados & Trinidad & Tobago, Ramadan commenced last night, First taraweeh, first sehri already have passed.

Allah swt says to the Believers:

Oh you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may attain taqwa.”

Quran 2:183

We are taught, and teach others that fasting in Ramadan is the daily abstinence from all food & drink, and sexual interaction, from dawn to dusk. That is one level of fasting. The other levels of fasting are outlined by Al Ghazali. Rasool s.a.w.s. is reported to have said:

One might fast and he gets nothing from his fast but hunger. One might pray at night but he gets nothing from his prayer but fatigue.”

prophet muhammad s.a.w.s.

The purpose of fasting is to attain taqwa – the purpose stated by Allah swt is immutable. Will the abstinence outlined above be sufficient for us to attain God-consciousness? Or does it only earn us hunger?

The questions of competition & pleasure

Surah Takathur is Surah 102. It is a short Surah having only 8 verses.

It is a Surah which cautions us about excess and wastage and the fruits of competition for worldly riches.

It is a Surah which begins by warning us that competition in worldly increase diverts us until we visit the graveyards (either shrouded or as funeralgoers).

The next 3 verses are very similar and emphasise that we will know.

It is a Surah of warning that we will be questioned about the bounties with which we have been blessed and how did we use them.

Look & listen to the following presentation on YouTube on this Surah:-
